
How Has Christmas Pudding Changed From When It Started To Modern Day Pudding

Christmas lunch isn't over until we've had at least 1 serving of the stodgy, spiced pudding, laden with butter and suet, that is Christmas pudding - the nations favourite festive dessert. Only, although nosotros enjoy it every single twelvemonth, how much practice we know well-nigh it?

Heed, learn, and become increasingly peckish...

To brand sure you lot're prepared for Stir-up Sun, and all Christmas festivities throughout the home, option up a copy of theCountry Living December issue. It comes with a costless Christmas agenda full of decorating, craft and recipe tips.

Where did the tradition start?

Recipes for former plum pudding have existed in some form or another since the 17th century and it all started with something called 'plum pottage'; a festive staple since the Middle Ages. This was a thick porridge like substance, studded with dried fruits and flavoured with spices.

Why is information technology called plum pudding? Does it comprise plums?

Often referred to as 'plum pudding', the recipe for Christmas pud has in fact never called for plums at all. The give-and-take "plum" in fact refers to dried fruit of whatsoever variety; whether dates, prunes, sultanas or currants.

Why is mincemeat called mincemeat?

Although mincemeat no longer actually contains meat (thank god), the word recalls its origins as a meat dish. Back in the days of yore, meat was a fundamental ingredient within Christmas pud. Pudding or 'pottage' would consist of meat broth, spices, stale fruit and breadcrumbs.

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Why the baroque blend of spices with meat and dried fruit?

Spices and dried fruit were both expensive, exotic ingredients brought to Britain with the Crusaders returning from the Mediterranean. Their expense meant they were used during special occasions and equally a result they became popular additions to dishes in which they were quite unusual. Combining meat with dried fruit or "plums" would enable it to keep for longer.

Why practice we light Christmas pudding?

It's said that the flaming brandy represents the Passion of Christ and traditionally there were 13 ingredients in the pudding, said to represent Christ's 13 disciples. Nosotros e'er thought the garnish of holly on pinnacle was a nod toward festive decoration and cheer, but some say information technology represents the crown of thorns.

Has Christmas pudding ever been banned?

Well, funny you should ask, because yes it has... In the 17th century Thomas Cromwell is said to have banned the eating of Christmas Pudding along with all festive merriment from carols to carousing. How very dare he! In a bid to tackle festive gluttony and restore Christmas to its religious roots, information technology was suggested that instead of a feast day, Christmas should rather be a fast day. Amazing how much divergence ane little 'due east' can make. Luckily, when Charles II came into power, Christmas was reinstated. Phew!

christmas pudding

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What is Stir-up Sunday?

A proper boozy Christmas pudding (is in that location any other kind?!) should be impregnated with booze over time before being coated in marzipan and icing, then must be fabricated weeks in advance… Around 5 weeks before Christmas day (on the concluding Dominicus before the appearance to be precise), the Christmas pudding mixture should exist prepared and each member of the family should stir the mixture and make a wish whilst doing so.

Follow our favourite Stir-upward Sunday recipe.

Why practise we add coins to Christmas pudding?

Information technology seems a little odd doesn't it? Adding hard metal to an expensive dessert. Those with fillings should stay well away. Despite the expensive dental work necessary after accidentally breaking your tooth on a mouthful of pudding, adding a silver sixpence to the mix was said to bring the finder a yr of good luck.

What does the Christmas pudding represent?

Spices, sugariness meats, dried fruits; many of the traditional ingredients of Christmas pudding were sourced from beyond the commonwealth and the dish, in many ways, represents the British nation itself. In 1850, London Illustrated News described the plum pudding every bit a "national symbol". They say, "It does not represent class or caste, but the bulk of the English nation." Well, nosotros never knew that.

christmas coins

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How did it somewhen go Christmas pudding as we know information technology today?

Through time, the 'pottage' mixture became thicker and thicker, until eventually people began to wrap the viscous mass in a pudding cloth and eddy it for several hours.

Like many of our modern 24-hour interval festive traditions, Christmas pudding as we know information technology today was introduced by the Victorians. In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens eternalised the dish when he depicts Mrs Cratchit "Smiling proudly with the pudding, like a speckled cannon-ball, so hard and firm, blazing in half of half-a-quartern of ignited brandy and bedight with Christmas holly stuck into the top."

Mrs Beeton's book of Household Management, published in 1861, was an authority on festive fare, in it there is a recipe for and analogy of Christmas plum pudding, which is clearly recognizable every bit the pudding nosotros yet enjoy today.

So, this Christmas 24-hour interval as you're tucking into your pudding, know you'll exist partaking in an historic period quondam festive tradition.

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